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Category: Brathay 10in10

2017 Brathay 10in10: Days 8, 9 & 10 – Through to the finish

The final three days of my Brathay 10in10 journey all passed in something of a blur. And sitting here, experiencing a maelstrom of emotions, it’s a little difficult to draw out specific details to share with you. Days 8 and 9 very much followed the pattern of Day 7.

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2017 Brathay 10in10: Days 6&7 – The good, the bad and the ugly

Seven marathons in seven days. So just a triple to think about now! The good Day 7 was sunny and bright – and so was I. I felt relaxed from the start and was feeling the benefits of the 4+ hours of physio I’d suffered the day before. With no…

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The 2017 Brathay 10in10: the final countdown

It’s almost time. The serious training is done. The last fundraising event is coming up in a couple of days. My kit (enough for a month-long expedition!) is washed and sorted, if not quite packed yet. And I’ve just a few days left at work. After a journey that has taken nearly a year it’s now only seven days until the start of the 2017 Brathay 10in10. And I feel terrible…

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Rotterdam 2017: my first sub-3 hour marathon (2)

Rotterdam marathon 2017 – race day

Marathon morning began bright and warm, with it forecast to be the warmest day of the year so far – not ideal conditions for chasing a sub-3 hour marathon. But then you can’t change the weather, only adapt to it. So, we made the short journey on the Metro from our hotel to the start area outside Rotterdam’s Stadhuis (town hall) with plenty of fluids and sun-cream.

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Rotterdam 2017: my first sub-3 hour marathon (1)

Rotterdam marathon 2017 – targets and preparation.

We all have our goals in running (and in life). Some are the short-term targets we set ourselves for the season ahead and others are more aspirational, helping us to focus our efforts on achieving a significant milestone. For the last two years I’ve had a very simple(!) running goal. To run a sub-3 hour marathon. On 9 April 2017, I travelled to Rotterdam in an attempt to join the sub-3 hour club.

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Marathon training: train with your head, race with your heart

Marathon training is definitely not a sprint, it’s more of a…well…er…a marathon, I suppose. Over a typical 12 week training period the average runner will experience many highs and lows. Last time I wrote about the ups and downs in my own motivation levels as I train for the Brathay 10in10 in May. Now it’s time to consider that age old battle between the runner’s head and their heart.

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