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Month: March 2017

Marathon training: train with your head, race with your heart

Marathon training is definitely not a sprint, it’s more of a…well…er…a marathon, I suppose. Over a typical 12 week training period the average runner will experience many highs and lows. Last time I wrote about the ups and downs in my own motivation levels as I train for the Brathay 10in10 in May. Now it’s time to consider that age old battle between the runner’s head and their heart.

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Hull 2017 culture for everyone: art, history, music and the downright strange

Following the spectacular and successful launch of Hull’s year as UK City of Culture, I was inspired to take a closer look at the Hull 2017 programme and to commit to experiencing the widest possible range of events – be it art, history, music or the downright strange. The organisers…

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