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2017 Brathay 10in10: Day 1 – A tough start

Well, we are underway, and it was a fantastic start to the 2017 Brathay 10in10 this morning. The sun was shining, the location stunning, the runners were ready, prepared and enthusiastic, and supporters were out in numbers to wish them well at the start. After months of preparation and fundraising it was finally time to lace up the trainers and make our first circuit of Lake Windermere.

It didn’t go quite to plan.

Ready, steady, go…

I had a very uneventful first 16 miles. The first half of the course is really beautiful, and running well within myself I was able to take in the Lake District in all its glory. Mile 4 is pretty special as we pass Hawkshead Primary School, to be greeted by the children leaning over the railings, chanting our names and demanding high five from all the runners. Going to miss those guys tomorrow (Saturday).

Mile 16 and the wheels came off. From out of nowhere I felt a sharp pen in my ankle that shot up my leg with every stride. My attempt to run it off only seemed to make matters worse as the pain grew and I had to stop. A short walk and a run again, and stop again. I’ve never experienced pain like it whilst running, and I’ve never had ankle pain before. My normally strong mind went to pieces as I started to fear the worse. “It’s Day 1 – if this is happening now how can I ever think about finishing. I’ll need to pack my bags tomorrow. What will every one think…”.

Here’s hoping it helps!

Some strong words of encouragement on the  roadside from Liz, Aly and Chris helped reassure me that I could finish and that once I was back at Brathay the work would start to get me fit for tomorrow. So, off I went and it was a run/walk/limp for the final 6 miles to the finish. Disappointed, dejected, in pain and very disappointed. Then it was straight to the treatment room for some very painful work by my therapist Trent, who has the unenviable task of keeping me on the road all week.

Reflecting on things a few hours later and I think the best way of describing how I feel is scared. This has knocked my confidence and, despite the treatment, I really have no way of knowing how it’s going to hold up until I start running tomorrow. I knew this was going to be tough. And I could have accepted this if it had been Day 8. But for this to happen just 16 miles into the 262 miles is hard to take.  But I need to put it out of my mind. Time to feed and hydrate, rest and prepare for tomorrow. Today’s 26.2 were tough. Got to feel the best I can be for tomorrow.

Thank you all for your continued support – and if you’d like to make a donation then please do so on my justgiving page.

One Comment

  1. Paul Cartwright
    Paul Cartwright 12 May 2017

    Sorry to hear that Tim. Hopefully the physio treatment and a good nights sleep will see you back running again tomorrow.

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