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Tag: injury

Ten years of running: who’d have thought?!

It started exactly ten years ago. I was unfit and overweight, and a friend was encouraging me to take up running. “Sure, why not. How hard can it be?”, I thought. And so, on 30 December 2009 at the age of 36, I went out for my first ever run. Never could I have imagined what those simple beginnings would lead to or what I would be able to achieve over the next ten years.

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The loneliness of the injured runner

It’s 214 days since my last post, and this has certainly been the most difficult blog I’ve ever had to write. I’m a runner. I run. And I blog. About running. My last blog was in May 2017 as I completed 10 marathons in 10 days. Since then? Nothing. No blogs. No running. I am a long-term injured runner. And it’s just so ********ing

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The 2017 Brathay 10in10: the final countdown

It’s almost time. The serious training is done. The last fundraising event is coming up in a couple of days. My kit (enough for a month-long expedition!) is washed and sorted, if not quite packed yet. And I’ve just a few days left at work. After a journey that has taken nearly a year it’s now only seven days until the start of the 2017 Brathay 10in10. And I feel terrible…

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100 days to go – and a pick ’n mix of an update

It’s been a funny couple of weeks with a mixed bag of training, racing and injury coming amid plenty of non-running distractions, all making this a pick ‘n mix of an update! First things first, however. Yes, it really is just 100 days until the start of the Brathay 10in10.

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