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Tag: marathon

Ten years of running: who’d have thought?!

It started exactly ten years ago. I was unfit and overweight, and a friend was encouraging me to take up running. “Sure, why not. How hard can it be?”, I thought. And so, on 30 December 2009 at the age of 36, I went out for my first ever run. Never could I have imagined what those simple beginnings would lead to or what I would be able to achieve over the next ten years.

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2017 Brathay 10in10: Days 8, 9 & 10 – Through to the finish

The final three days of my Brathay 10in10 journey all passed in something of a blur. And sitting here, experiencing a maelstrom of emotions, it’s a little difficult to draw out specific details to share with you. Days 8 and 9 very much followed the pattern of Day 7.

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2017 Brathay 10in10: Days 6&7 – The good, the bad and the ugly

Seven marathons in seven days. So just a triple to think about now! The good Day 7 was sunny and bright – and so was I. I felt relaxed from the start and was feeling the benefits of the 4+ hours of physio I’d suffered the day before. With no…

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