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Tag: taper

The 2017 Brathay 10in10: the final countdown

It’s almost time. The serious training is done. The last fundraising event is coming up in a couple of days. My kit (enough for a month-long expedition!) is washed and sorted, if not quite packed yet. And I’ve just a few days left at work. After a journey that has taken nearly a year it’s now only seven days until the start of the 2017 Brathay 10in10. And I feel terrible…

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Rotterdam 2017: my first sub-3 hour marathon (1)

Rotterdam marathon 2017 – targets and preparation.

We all have our goals in running (and in life). Some are the short-term targets we set ourselves for the season ahead and others are more aspirational, helping us to focus our efforts on achieving a significant milestone. For the last two years I’ve had a very simple(!) running goal. To run a sub-3 hour marathon. On 9 April 2017, I travelled to Rotterdam in an attempt to join the sub-3 hour club.

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