First, I’m feeling so much better than a week ago when I really got myself into a bit of a state. Yes, I’m still suffering with a sore back (an unusual complaint for me). But two (painful) massages have made a considerable difference and I have managed to get out for a couple of short runs. I’ve also been in touch with the physio team that will be supporting us to give them a heads-up on what areas I’m likely to need attention. All under control.
Second, it’s true that I’m not feeling at quite the peak I reached ahead of my sub-3 hour marathon in Rotterdam, but this is such a different type of event and challenge. I don’t have to peak for Day 1; it’s about making sure I get through the first few days relatively unscathed and running myself into some form (hopefully) for the final few days. There’s nothing to be gained from peaking too early. I have to remain confident in the training I have done. All I now need to do is 10 long runs!
Third, I have been reminded of the reason why I’ve taken on this challenge:
So many children and young people, through no fault of their own, are left to struggle through life unsupported, resulting in poor choices and unfulfilled potential. The Brathay Trust do incredible work with vulnerable and disadvantaged children and young people, helping them to make positive choices that will change their lives; be it overcoming barriers to work and education or transforming lives damaged by exploitation, criminality and abuse.

There are other 10in10 challenges that you can do – but none that quite have this focus on such a wonderful organisation and the work they do. At a recent fundraising event I was able to share a little more about the work that Brathay do. It struck me that doing something I love for 10 days, in a wonderful setting, and with a team providing all the support I’ll ever need, is not such a bad way to go about making a small difference. A huge thank you to all who have supported my fundraising, and getting me to the start line with over £4,000 raised. You are all stars.
Finally, I have not been on this journey alone. My friends and family, and in particular Liz, Phoebe and Alafair, have supported and encouraged me every step of the way. I would never have got this far without you – and I will miss you terribly whilst I’m away on my ‘running holiday’. Thoughts of you will keep me going over the next 10 days.
And I will not end the journey alone. I will be running with my new family. My Brathay 10in10 family. We may have only spent our Training Weekend together but it is possible to see the bonds of camaraderie and friendship developing as we watch each others’ progress to the start-line. We are going to share something very special together.
I am ready. And I can’t wait…